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Who is Holiday Hammy?

Holiday Hammy is a Magical Holiday Companion that has captured the hearts of children nationwide, who welcome Holiday Hammy to travel and stay with them on their Holiday.  

Holiday Hammy Arrival

Holiday Hammy along with his token pouch arrives 7 nights before you are due to depart on your Holiday.


Holiday Hammy Tokens

Holiday Hammy hides a token each morning in your house, in the room Holiday Hammy has chosen to be in.  Children find the token each day and keep it safe in the pouch.


Each Night

Each night before your holiday, Holiday Hammy returns to Hammyland and collects a new 'HH' token ready to hide for the children to find the following morning.  

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The Night before Holiday Departure

On the night before the Holiday, children put all 7 tokens that they have collected during the week in the pouch for Holiday Hammy to exchange for a reward. 

Morning of Holiday Departure

On the morning of the Holiday, Holiday Hammy returns with a reward and joins the children on their Holiday.  Children enjoy travelling, visiting new places, having photographs taken and taking care of Holiday Hammy throughout the Holiday

Return Home from Holiday

Upon your return home from the Holiday, Holiday Hamster has posted a letter with a Holiday Record booklet for the children to complete, in which they can write down the favourite parts of the Holiday that they have shared.

Time to Say Goodbye

On the night of your return from Holiday, Holiday Hammy returns to Hammyland until it is time for the children's next vacation. 

Further Information

Further information is supplied, when parents have made their order for Holiday Hammy to join them on their first Holiday Hammy Holiday.  ORDER PAGE

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